Friday, February 16, 2007

And so the journey begins...

Since I own an Xbox 360 and thoroughly enjoy the content on Xbox Live, I was intrigued by the recent release of Microsoft's XNA framework. Even though I currently make a living cutting code in Java and my last experience with a Microsoft development product was with VB 6 (I honestly do not miss that at all) , I couldn't resist diving in and checking it out. To make it even more interesting, I figured I would submit an entry to the Dream, Build, Play: Warmup Challenge.

My goal is to put in some entertaining enhancements into the SpaceWar game in the next couple of weeks while learning C# and the intricacies of XNA. This should lead to an entertaining series of posts!

In preparation, I have installed VS C# Express Addition, installed XNA Game Studio Express, generated the Space War project, set up my subversion repository and installed Nunit. Now I just need to tear myself off my 360 long enough to get to work!!

1 comment:

Daniel De Aguiar said...

I moved this post over from my other blog ( since I posted it prior to starting this blog.